HOME What can be expected Introduction to PRTools How to use the manual

How to use the manual

This manual can be used in various ways. There is a pdf version for off-line reading inpreparation. The html variant can be helpful for on-line help in working with PRTools. In addition it may be used during training. For that reason various examples are included that can be copied in to the Matlab windows and links are made to the html versions of the help sections of the PRTools commands.

Although it is expected that users have a basic understanding of pattern recognition, machine learning, linear algebra and multivariate statistics, some additional information may help to understand particular phenomena in an intuitive way. Along with this manual the website 37Steps is being created which contains a blog with short posts on pattern recognition, a Frequently Asked Questions section and a Glossary, all dedicated to PRTools users. Moreover, it is the place where PRTools can be downloaded freely.

To some extend the manual may be used in a linear way during an on-line study of pattern recognition on the tools that are offered by PRTools. It is pointed out when certain section may be skipped during a first reading as they are meant to give detailed information to the advanced user or are just meant for maintenance purposes or to explain the inside of PRTools.

R.P.W. Duin, January 28, 2013

HOME What can be expected Introduction to PRTools How to use the manual