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Representation preprocessing

The below routines are useful for preprocessing raw data into a set of multidimensional images or one-dimensional signals. They may help to give objects get the same size and comparable orientations, positions and intensities. This is needed to build a proper representation by which objects can be reliably related by features, pixels or dissimilarities.

> Representation Preprocessing
General routines
filtm General mapping for applying user defined routines to all objects in the dataset or datafile
filtim General mapping for applying user defined routines to all images in the dataset or datafile
dipim* run any DIPimage command with one input image
Binary image processing
im_bdilation* Binary dilation of images stored in a dataset
im_berosion* Binary erosion of images stored in a dataset
im_bpropagation* Binary propagation of images stored in a dataset
im_center Center objects in a binary image
im_resize Resize of object images in datasets and datafiles
im_invert Invert image by subtraction from its maximum
im_label* Labeling binary images
Grey value image processing
im_maxf* Maximum filter
im_minf* Minimum filter
im_fft FFT transform (and more)
im_gaussf Gaussian filtering by DipImage
im_gauss Gaussian filtering by Matlab
im_gray Multi-band to gray-value conversion
im_hist_equalize Histogram equalization
im_invert Invert image
im_maxf Maximum filter
im_minf Minimum filter
im_norm Normalize images w.r.t. mean and variance
im_skel Skeleton of binary image
im_skel_meas Skeleton measurements
im_stretch Contrast stretching of images
im_threshold Threshold images
im_unif Uniform filtering

*The DIPimage package should be in the path for this command.

R.P.W. Duin, January 28, 2013

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