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Find rectangular image in datafile enclosing a blob (0/1 image)

    B = IM_BOX(A)
    B = A*IM_BOX

If A is a 0/1 image then B is the same image with all empty (0) border  columns and rows removed.

    B = IM_BOX(A,N)

If A is a 0/1 image then B is the same image, but having in each direction  N empty (0) columns and rows around the object (1).

    B = IM_BOX(A,[NX1 NX2 NY1 NY2])

If A is a 0/1 image then B is the same image, but having NX1, NX2 empty  columns (0) left, respectively right of the object (1) and NY1, NY2 empty  rows (0) above, respectively below the object(1).

    B = IM_BOX(A,N,ALF)

Adds as many empty (0) columns or rows such that the aspect ratio of  images (height/width) equals ALF. For ALF == 1, square images are returned.  For ALF == 0, images are taken as they are and N rows and columns are  added.

See also

datasets, datafiles,

PRTools contents

PRTools manual