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PRTools manual



Initialization for MDS (variants of Sammon) mapping


 D Square dissimilarity matrix of the size M x M
 N Desired output dimensionality (optional; default: 2)
 INIT Initialization method (optional; default: 'randnp')

 Y Initial configuration for the MDS method


Finds a configuration of points Y in an N-dimensional space, used as  a starting configuration for an MDS mapping based on the distance matrix D.  The parameter INIT is a string standing for the initialization method
'randp' - linear mapping of D on n randomly (uniform distribution) chosen vectors  'randnp' - linear mapping of D on n randomly (normal distribution) chosen vectors  'randv' - randomly (uniform distribution) chosen vectors from D 'maxv' - n columns of D with the largest variances  'kl' - Karhunen Loeve projection (linear mapping) of D (first n eigenvectors)  'cs' - Classical Scaling

See also

mappings, mds_cs, mds,

PRTools contents

PRTools manual