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Plot error curves


 E Structure containing error curves (see e.g. CLEVAL)
 LINEWIDTH Line width, < 5 (default 2)
 S Plot strings
 FONTSIZE Font size, >= 5 (default 16)
 OPTIONS Character strings:  'nolegend' suppresses the legend plot  'errorbar' add errorbars to the plot  'noapperror' suppresses the apparent error plot

 H Array of graphics handles


Various evaluation routines like CLEVAL return an error curves packed in a  structure E. PLOTE uses the information stored in E to plot the curves. The  remaining parameters may be given in an arbitrary order.

E may contain the following fields (E.ERROR is obligatory)
E.ERROR C x N matrix of error values for C methods at N points  (typically errors estimated on an independent test set)  E.XVALUES C x N matrix of measurement points; if 1 x N, it is used for  all C curves  E.TITLE the title of the plot  E.XLABEL the label for the x-axis  E.YLABEL the label for the y-axis  E.NAMES a string array of C names used for creating a LEGEND E.PLOT the plot command in a string: 'plot', 'semilogx', 'semilogy'  or 'loglog'  E.STD C x N matrix with standard deviations of the mean error values  which are plotted if ERRBAR == 1 Note that this is the st. dev. in the estimate of the mean  and not the std. dev. of the error itself.  E.APPERROR C x N matrix of error values for C methods at N points  (typically errors estimated on the training set)  E.APPSTD C x N matrix with standard deviations of the mean  APPERROR values which are plotted if ERRBAR == 1

These fields are automatically set by a series of commands like CLEVAL CLEVALF, ROC and REJECT.

The legend generated by PLOTE can be removed by LEGEND OFF. A new legend  may be created by the LEGEND command using the handles stored in H.

E may be a cell array of structures. These structures are combined  vertically, assuming multiple runs of the same method and  horizontally, assuming different methods.



See also

cleval, clevalf, roc, reject,

PRTools contents

PRTools manual